Global Vision, Local Wisdom


Design A Poster Competition

BWCI Group

Would you like to win a supply of art materials?

Then enter the BWCI GSO Camerata Family Concert competition to create an eye-catching poster for their next popular concert which features The Waltzing Cat, The Flight of the Bumble Bee, The Penguin and many others.

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Our new actuary

BWCI Group

We are delighted to announce that Jess Sumner, an assistant manager in our pensions actuarial team, has passed all of the exams required to qualify as an actuary.

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Net Zero Climate Metrics

Carl Stanford

The race to Net Zero has begun!

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Secondary Pensions coming in 2023

Erin Bisson

It has been confirmed that the implementation date for secondary pensions has been delayed a year.

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New ORSA Requirements: Climate Change Risk Scenarios

Clair Le Poidevin

New EIOPA guidance is being introduced which specifically requires (re)insurers to include climate change risk scenarios as part of their long term risk assessment and own risk solvency assessment

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